Land Acknowledgement
Respect for those who came before us is important to our team at Read Write Think with Renee. Our work didn’t start with us - and it certainly won’t end with us.
We are part of something much bigger.
Read Write Think with Renee works primarily in Southern California to serve students, families, schools, and communities in the County of Los Angeles, land that originally served as home to the Tongva, Tataviam, Serrano, Kizh, and Chumash Peoples.
We want to acknowledge the great impact colonization had on this part of the country. It caused multigenerational trauma to the land and to people. That trauma reverberates through the community generations later. Settler colonization, slavery, disease, land seizures, among other travisties, forever changed this part of the United States. More importantly, it changed the Native people and local tribal communities - and their children, and their children’s children.
It is our responsibility as community leaders to keep learning and to serve as partners responsible for bringing the past, present and future together.
Most importantly, we must honor the legacies of those who came before us - tell their stories, keep their culture alive, and share their communities with the world.
They shaped the land from which we now read, write, and think today.
With deep respect,