ALL WE NEED IS TED LASSO: Part 4 – Believe

Read Write Think with Renee Believe graphic

I believe in hope. I believe in ‘Believe.’ ” – Ted Lasso

goldfish in bowl graphic


Believe in yourself.

Believe in your teammate.

Believe in the students.

Believe in the caregivers.

Believe in the community.

John Hattie’s research (on research) consistently shows that the biggest impact on student learning is total teacher efficacy – believing that you impact learning and that your entire team impacts learning.

How are you impacting learning? Keep the goals of your curriculum clear. Center students. Have a clear picture of what successful learning looks and sounds like. Students are sponges who live in a constant state of learning. What are they learning about your patience? Your integrity? Your learning life? Your credibility? Your sincerity? Your belief in them?

Believe in the possibilities.

Believe graphic

3 Easy Steps for Intentional and Strategic Goal Setting


ALL WE NEED IS TED LASSO: Part 3 – Be a Goldfish